bette nordberg

Contact Bette:

I know you'd like to go to a web-site and find everything you need to make a decision. Costs. MP3s. Video Samples. But truthfully, so much is custom designed, it's hard to make certain you see what you need, right here on the web.

Because every event is unique, I base my fees on several important details: Is the presentation one that I have already written? How many presentations will you need for your event? How many people will be in your audience? Will you need discussion questions? Will you need me to do break-out sessions? Will you need me to provide a question/answer session. How long will your presentations be? How far away will your event be held, and how long will it take for me to travel there? Once you contact me with these details, I can give you a bid for your particular event.

For your convenience, I've uploaded an MP3 file here Feel free to have your event committee listen to this presentation (a Christmas Tea). Hopefully, it will give you some flavor for the tenor of my work.

I have video DVDs available for your convenience. Please feel free to contact me with requests.

It is easiest to contact me by email; I will respond as soon as possible.

Feel free to contact me here.

I look forward to hearing from you!




Gracious words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul ...healing to the bones. (Prov. 16)